Fall is the perfect time to create space for reflection and rest. The hustle of summer often
leaves us overstimulated and depleted, so this season’s slower pace is a reminder to pause and
recharge. In holistic wellness, creating space for rest is as important as active self-care

Create Space for Reflection and Rest

Holistic Tip: Create a cozy, restful environment at home with warm blankets, candles, and soft
lighting. Use calming essential oils like lavender, cedarwood, or chamomile to promote
relaxation. Consider journaling about what you are ready to release or let go of as you enter
this new phase of the year.

Connecting YOUrself w/ Tranquil Suz

Connecting YOUrself w/ Tranquil Suz

Do you understand the importance of connections? Do you understand the importance of connections? Connections are defined as a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else.Helping us to become better decision-makers It...

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Meet the Artist

Meet the Artist

YOGA passion I have always been a spiritual person with a loving and caring nature for all. My journey with teaching began at an early age with preschool children. In addition, I have taught all age groups from children through senior citizens. Included is even a very...

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