Movement is an essential part of holistic wellness, but it’s important to adapt our physical
activity to match the changing energy of fall. As the season encourages rest and reflection, our
movement practices should support this inner shift. Gentle, flowing forms of exercise such as
yoga, Tai Chi, and mindful walking can help us stay active while honoring the body’s need for
slower, more restorative movements.

Move with the Rhythm of Nature

Movement Tip: Incorporate grounding yoga poses like Mountain Pose (Tadasana), Tree Pose
(Vrksasana), and Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I). These poses encourage balance and stability,
mirroring the grounded energy of fall. Gentle vinyasa flows that emphasize mindful transitions
between poses can also remind us of the fluidity of change.
Outdoor Walking Meditation: Take advantage of the cooler weather and stunning fall
landscapes by practicing a walking meditation. Pay attention to the crunch of leaves under your
feet, the coolness of the air, and the vivid colors around you. This mindfulness practice not only
enhances your connection with nature but also helps clear the mind and rejuvenate the spirit.

New Year! New Intention!

New Year! New Intention!

Intention has Purpose “Everything that happens in the universe starts with intention” -Deepak Chopra Intention is defined as an aim or plan. It is more than wishful thinking, it’s willful direction. It is a philosophy of the heart that is put into practice. A...

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EP 143 | Connecting Communities

EP 143 | Connecting Communities

Connecting Communities, with Brian J,  hosts weekly guest on this podcast! format being conversational, entertaining, and engaging We bring the excitement on a weekly Podcast, for you Connecting Communities Podcast Connecting Communites ...hosted by Brian is a global...

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