As the days grow shorter and the world begins to slow down, fall is an ideal time to turn
inward. Meditation offers a powerful practice to quiet the mind, reduce stress, and cultivate
awareness. In the fall, meditating with themes of release, transformation, and gratitude can
help us align with the natural cycle of change.

Embrace the Stillness with Meditation

Meditation Practice for Fall:

  • Breath of Letting Go: Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and focus on your breath.
    As you inhale deeply, imagine gathering any stress, tension, or negative energy. As you exhale,
    visualize yourself releasing these burdens, just like the trees letting go of their leaves. Repeat
    for several minutes.

Gratitude Practice:

  • Fall is also a time of harvest, both literally and metaphorically. After your
    meditation, take a few moments to reflect on what you’ve “harvested” this year. What personal
    or professional accomplishments can you express gratitude for? This practice can shift your
    focus to abundance rather than loss.
New Year! New Intention!

New Year! New Intention!

Intention has Purpose “Everything that happens in the universe starts with intention” -Deepak Chopra Intention is defined as an aim or plan. It is more than wishful thinking, it’s willful direction. It is a philosophy of the heart that is put into practice. A...

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EP 143 | Connecting Communities

EP 143 | Connecting Communities

Connecting Communities, with Brian J,  hosts weekly guest on this podcast! format being conversational, entertaining, and engaging We bring the excitement on a weekly Podcast, for you Connecting Communities Podcast Connecting Communites ...hosted by Brian is a global...

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